Tracking Changes
If you're interested in keeping track of the changes as they happen on TMDB, we have designed the "change" system to help with this. There are two aspects to this: first, tracking which ID's were changed and then second, calling those individual changes.
By Media Type
There are three main endpoints you can call to get a list of changed IDs. The movie, person and TV change lists. These endpoints will return a list of items that have been changed in the past 24 hours (by default but can be extended to 14 days). With an ID in hand, you can then call the individual item's change history.
By Media ID
If you have an ID in hand, you can call any of the media ID change endpoints (here's movies for example.) This call will then return the actual field level data that was changed, just like our public change logs you can find on the website. You can either consume these changes in their entirety, or selective grab the data that is important to you.
It's generally a good idea to stay in sync with our changes so you can display the most up to date and accurate information.
Updated over 1 year ago